Anime: 07-Ghost (Mitsuki Saiga, Hayami Sho)


I was pretty impressed by 07-Ghost (セブンゴースト), a recently broadcast anime adapted from manga by Amemiya Yuki 雨宮由樹 and Ichihara Yukino 市原ゆき乃. I read that it is one of the most anticipated (fangirl) anime this season and it certainly did not disappoint. Continue reading “Anime: 07-Ghost (Mitsuki Saiga, Hayami Sho)”

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BL Game: PS2 Saint Beast – Rasen no Shou

An impulse buy… cos the “limited-time offer” was too great to resist x_x Continue reading “BL Game: PS2 Saint Beast – Rasen no Shou”

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