BL Anime: Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi 世界一初恋 (Konishi Katsuyuki x Kondo Takashi)

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi 世界一初恋 by Junjou Romantica 純情ロマンチカ mangaka Nakamura Shungiku 中村春菊 was aired in Japan on 8 April 2011.

Update: Well generally speaking, Sekai Ichi anime didn’t disappoint. I’ve watched the OVA and like to say that it reminded me of everything I loved about Junjou Romantica <3

From the looks of it, the art style of the manga/anime definitely looks very Junjou-ish. The main characters Onodera Ritsu and Takano Masamune also look like a younger Miyagi x older Shinobu from Junjou Terrorist.

By the way, the story is set at the same publishing company in Junjou Romantica, so we’ll get to see a familiar face or two from the manga, such as Isaka Ryuuichiro.

They’re also keeping the original cast from the drama CDs which is great. Generally, I find that in terms of the entertaining and comedic factor, Junjou Romantica is a lot funnier. I’ve read comments however that this series is a lot more believable and down-to-earth. What do you think?

As a sneak peak and commemorative gesture for the upcoming anime, a 20-minute anime DVD will be bundled with the manga that will be released in March 2011. I hope it has different content from the actual TV broadcast :)

Title: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Vol. 5 Ritsu Onodera no Baai

Price: 3800yen
Release date: 23 March 2011/ Season 2 October 2011 / Movie: 2014
Limited edition includes a bonus DVD (20 minutes) and a special box.

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BL Game: Gakuen Heaven (PSP, Sakurai Takahiro x Fukuyama Jun)

As more visual novels are being ported to the PSP platform, BL games too are following suit. Some of the earliest to do so is Spray. They have so far ported two of their successful Boys Love game franchises, Gakuen Heaven 学園ヘヴン BOY’S LOVE SCRAMBLE! and Gakuen Heaven 学園ヘヴン おかわりっ!Okawari to the PSP platform.

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